Grounded in Science
I approach every human-dog relationship with an open mind and a keen focus on the client’s needs—what I was hired to do—as well as the dog’s ability and temperament. I never use harsh or inhumane training methods.
Our methods employ a relationship-based approach, using operant conditioning. We teach you to gain control without harsh equipment or force. Our goal is to get your dog to respond to you because it’s natural for them to follow their leader.
We help you create a thinking dog who learns how to make the correct choice using lots of positive reinforcement, without fear of a slap or pinch from a collar. Doing this not only teaches the dog, but also strengthens your bond and trust for a lifetime of companionship.

My Pugs
We help you understand what your dog needs most, and why meeting those needs is essential to creating a rewarding connection with your canine companion. In addition, seeing things from your dog’s world helps you to be more in tune with him/her, and helps your dog become a terrific family member.
Mailing: 3849 E Broadway Blvd #105, Tucson, AZ 85716
Please include your zip code when emailing us for exact rates.